Uma novela gráfica?! What is that?!

"Graphic novels are sometimes called long comic books. They cover generally fictional material in comic book form — through the use of sequential illustrations. Unlike the traditional comic book, however, graphic novels are longer and tend to cover a story from start to finish, instead of ending with the traditional cliffhanger endings of comic books. In some cases, though, a graphic novel is a compilation of several series of comics that begin and end a particular story arc. 

Some of the first examples of graphic novels in the United States were comic book classics, published first in the 1940s. Novels like The Three Musketeers were put into the traditional framework of a comic book, whereby they were thought to be more easily digested by young readers. Though greatly abridged, this treatment of novels was popular among the young, and many look back on these graphic novels with fondness.

Today, there are graphic novels suited to all ages, and some that are particularly unsuitable for the young. Graphic can mean more than “accompanied by illustrations.” Certain graphic novels, like those written by Frank Miller, are rife with violence and very realistic depictions of sexual behavior. These graphic novels do have a market, however. Miller’s Sin City was adapted into a film, which starred A-list actors and won considerable critical praise.

Graphic novels like Miller’s work are influenced by the popular Japanese graphic novel form, manga. Manga relates to all graphic novels, comic magazines and cartoons, and is sometimes confused with the term anime, which necessarily is animated. Manga in its current style was developed during WWII. Much of Disney’s work influenced manga drawing. Manga can be written for small children, or constitute complex political and social satire. Virtually no subject is taboo.

While graphic novels in the US feature characters with very different faces and names, manga characters have distinctive features. Most characters have very large eyes, small noses, and lined mouths. Though some Japanese artists do not follow this character form, most Japanese illustrations that make it to the US, like those in the show Yu-Gi-Oh!, have traditional manga faces. Manga forms of graphic novels can be intensely inappropriate for young children, and are not rated as US graphic novels are. The anime sequence in Kill Bill: Volume 1 is a good example of the lengths to which manga may go as an art form.

Some graphic novels offer terrific ways to educate children. Since they are full of illustrations, they are often attractive to young readers and can communicate stories about morals or events in history. Some are just pure fun, and enhance children’s appreciation of and skill in reading. 

Since the best selection of graphic novels is frequently at comic book stores, parents may want to do some reading to find appropriate material for their children. Some large booksellers place graphic novels in the children’s section to make selection easier. For adults who love graphic novels, the popularity of the art form continues to increase, so they can be assured of an evolving collection of interesting material".  

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